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Herbs in Natural Medicine

338 herbs in the catalog.
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The Pages (up to 30 Records on Each Page):
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Image, Plant's Name
Botanic Latin Name
Image, Plant's Name
Botanic Latin Name
Echium Echium  
Bot.: Echium vulgare 
Elder Elder  
Bot.: Sambucus ebulus 
Elecampane Elecampane  
Bot.: Inula helenium, Inula britannica 
Eleutherococcus Eleutherococcus  
Bot.: Eleutherococcus senticocus 
Ephedra intermedia Ephedra intermedia  
Bot.: Ephedra intermedia 
Eryngium Eryngium  
Bot.: Eryngium planum 
Erysimum  spreading Erysimum spreading  
Bot.: Erysimum diffusum (E. canescens) 
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus  
Bot.: Eucalyptus 
Feijoa Feijoa  
Bot.: Feijoa sellowiana 
Fennel Fennel  
Bot.: Foeniculum vulgare 
Fig Fig  
Bot.: Ficus carica 
Fig-wort Fig-wort  
Bot.: Scrophularia nodosa 
Finger-flower Finger-flower  
Bot.: Digitalis grandiflora, 
Fir Fir  
Bot.: Abies alba, Abies sibirica 
Firmiana Firmiana  
Bot.: Firmiana simplex 
Flax Flax  
Bot.: Linum usitatissimum, L.catharticum 
Forget-me-not Forget-me-not  
Bot.: Myosotis arvensis 
Frogbit Frogbit  
Bot.: Hydrocharis morsus-ranae 
Frost-blite Frost-blite  
Bot.: Chenopodium album 
Galeobdolon Galeobdolon  
Bot.: Galeobdolon luteum 
Garlic Garlic  
Bot.: Allium sativum, Allium macrostemon 
Gentian Gentian  
Bot.: Gentiana 
Geranium Geranium  
Bot.: Geranium sanguineum 
Geum, Bennet Geum, Bennet  
Bot.: Geum 
Ginkgo Ginkgo  
Bot.: Ginkgo biloba 
Ginseng Ginseng  
Bot.: Panax ginseng, Panax schin-seng, Panax chin-seng 
Gipsy-wort Gipsy-wort  
Bot.: Lycopus europaeus 
Gladiolus (Sword-lily) Gladiolus (Sword-lily)  
Bot.: Gladiolus imbricatus 
Glaucium Glaucium  
Bot.: Glaucium ilavum, Glaucium corniculatum 
Glechoma Glechoma  
Bot.: Glechoma hederacea 
Gleditschia Gleditschia  
Bot.: Gleditschia 

The Pages (up to 30 Records on Each Page):
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 

The Sources:
* Энциклопедия народной медицины.
* CD-ROM Зеленая аптека.
* Зеленая аптека. Вып.2. М.: "Планета", 1983
* Зеленая аптека. Вып.3. М.: "Планета", 1984
* Лiкарьскi рослини. Енциклопедичний довiдник. К.: "Украiнська Енциклопедiя", 1992. - 544 с., ил. (Translation into Russian - Tatiana Zolenko)
The Catalog of Herbs is prepared for the Site by Vitaly Eremenko.

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The Site registered at October 06, 2002.
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