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Herbal Bazar

The form to Add Herb for Sale or to Buy

It is not our site's sales.
This is service of the Client for other Clients (C2C).

YELLOW fields of the form are obligatory for filling.

The name of a herb.
For example: Bergenia

The botanical name of a plant in Latin
For Example: Bergenia crassifolia
If you do not know, check up under the catalogue of plants.
Local names of plants can differ even in one country.
Latin names universal.

What part of a plant and in what kind is offered
For example: Leaves dry ground.

A typical packing
(50 g, 1 kg, 25 kg (sack) etc.)
If cost different for different portions, enter portions as separate inquiries with the same name of a plant and its part.

The initial price per 100 gramm of a Herb in $USD.
The price can change during the contact with the client.
Sign $ do not enter.

Type of your offer:

Your Name:

It is possible to leave an empty field if to you protection against changes of recording by other persons is not important.
Further you can use the password for correction or removals of your Record.

Your e-Mail (For example
Send to itself the letter to this address for check. Do not block reception of letters from our mail server
Your e-Mail has no link in catalogue to prevent spam to you. To send mail, you should copy/paste eMail to email program.

SHOW your eMail address in the catalogue.
In the case of hide your eMail the communication will be possible either by Phone, or through us.

Contact Phone/Fax (with Country and City code).
Mark the prefix F before Fax Number: F 7-81-123-4567, etc.
2 phone numbers write down with comma - separator.

Address, City, Town or Settlement:

The State or Region:

Your Country:

The URL of description of this herb, if you know it:
For Example:
You can leave here the empty field.
Do not write http://

Your NOTE (up to 255 chars):

Please enter the Control Number that you see here: 149697:


This is C2C service (Client to Cliens)
  1. Site does not have responsibility for the incorrect data, for style and the contents of advertising, for actions of clients.
  2. Records not on the theme of the catalogue will be removed from it.
  3. At registration of several inquiries for one plant use Button Back and change only some fields of inquiry (for example a portion and price).
  4. The Data of the registered inquiries do not change by button Back.
  5. Way and cost of delivery of a cargo is not specified in this form.
Catalog of Herbs | List of Herbs | Herbs on Bazar | Buy Herb | Add Herb to Bazar | |

The Site registered at October 06, 2002.
Copyright ©2002 - 2025