Colors and Contours for Textile, Silk and Hobby

Hobby Shop

Production Marabu Silk paints
Marabu Silk paints

Seidenmalfarbe. Water-based liquid Colors and Contours for Silk, Batik and Textile with Iron fixing.
Production DecoArt Stencil Paints Acryl
DecoArt Stencil Paints Acryl

Creamy Acrylic Stencil Paint
Production Decorfin Universal Satin Paints
Decorfin Universal Satin Paints

Water-based paints for wood, cardboard, paper, plaster, earthenware, children toys.. Suitable for Nails Art and Design also.
Production Plaid Fabric Liner
Plaid Fabric Liner

Contour relief paste for drawing on textile and silk
Production Posca Markers
Posca Markers

[UNI Mitsubishi]
Multisurface Colors. Suitable for child above 3 year old. May be applied on body skin.
Production H-L Window Colors C2
H-L Window Colors C2

Hobby-Line Glass Design C2: Water-based transparent peelable color for painting temporary stained-glass window
Production Faber-Castell

Different types of colors for Hobby and Craft. Established in 1761.
Production L&B Textile colors
L&B Textile colors

[Lefranc & Bourgeois]
Water-based Colors for Textile
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Herbs in popular medicine
The catalog of Herbs with indications and contra-indications.

Herbs on Bazar

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Paints for Hobby, Art & Craft

- Paints and contours for glass, porcelain, ceramics, china.
- Paints for wood, metal, plastic, canvas, cardboard, paper.
- Transparent and opaque paints, gloss and mat colors for many kind of surfaces.
- Artistic oil colors, gouache, watercolors, acrylic - from many worldwide known manufacturers.
- Watermixable oil colors(H2Oil) - odorless.

Professonal Artistic Colors and Brushes from Russia, St.Petersburg

Cheap Professional Oil colors Master Class, Watercolors White Nights,
Acrylic, Tempera, Art-Brushes
and other art-wares
from Nevskaya Palitra in St.Petersburg.

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