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WormwoodWormwoodBot.: Artemisia


Wormwood Austrian,
- Medical,
- Bitter,
- An estragon,
- Ordinary,
- Annual,
- Field,
- Seaside.
The wormwood stimulates appetite, improves digestion.
It is used as cholagogue, for increase in secretion and increase of acidity of a gastroenteric path. It adjustsacidity, helps at diseases of a liver and a bilious bubble, at a jaundice, a malaria, a tuberculosis, inflammations of kidneys and a bladder. The wormwood in small dozes - soothing, and in big dozes excites.
It apply at all kinds of physiological weakness, spasms in a stomach and irregular monthly, as vermifuge. She is a part of the majority of gastric teas.
At delays monthly is better the wormwood ordinary - Chernobyl approaches.

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