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NasturtiumNasturtiumBot.: Tropaeolum


the Nasturtium big

Bot: Tropaeolum majus
Strong cardiac.
It strengthens a coronary blood-groove.
The attack of a stenocardia is removed for 2-3 minutes.
In national medicine apply against a scurvy, anemias, a bronchitis and nephrolithiasis, at eruption on a skin.
It stimulates growth of hair.
Young kidneys and runaways pickle as capers.

the Nasturtium medicinal

Syn.: watercress medicinal.
Bot: Tropaeolum officinalis
Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiallergic, aperient.
Apply at skin problems, diseases of a thyroid gland, bronchites, especially purulent, at gastritises, sharp and chronic greenstones, cholelithiasis and nephrolithiasis illnesses, a jaundice, anemias, as blood cleaner means.
Use also outwardly.

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