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AngelicaAngelicaBot.: Angelica sylvestris


Expectorate, diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative.
Drink tea or tincture from roots and rhizomes.
Helps at a swelling of a stomach and improves digestion.
At a swelling of a stomach drink also a dry powder of roots.
Soothing for a teeth and at arthritises, neuralgias, rheumatism.

Angelica medicinal possesses anti-inflammatory,
antispasmodic, diuretic, diaphoretic, calming properties.
Increases choleresis, allocation of gastric juice and a secret
Pancreas - pancreatic juice.
Improves digestion and a motility of a stomach.
Apply at a dyskinesia of bilious ways, duodenitis, hypoacid gastritises, infectious nonspecific колитах.
As expectorate at bronchites and pneumonias and at a vegetative neurosis.

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