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BetonicaBetonicaBot.: Betonica officinalis


Betonica has anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, diuretic, aperient, anesthetizing properties.
She adjusts arterial pressure, improves digestion, blood supply of bodies and a metabolism. It is effective at chronic glomerulonephritis and a pyelonephritis with a high blood pressure. In national medicine use at a tracheitis and a tuberculosis easy, at proof cough with purulent phlegm, whooping cough, gastroenteric diseases, it is especial at hyperacid gastritis, a diarrhea, a jaundice, a hepatites, inflammations urinary tracts, at a hypertension, nervous diseases, epilepsy, a gout and a polyarthritis.
As external - at scrofula, varicose veins, ulcers, a cancer of a skin and for healing various wounds.

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