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Bergenia  thick-leavedBergenia  thick-leavedBot.: Bergenia crassifolia

Bergenia thick-leaved

Use leaves leather bergenia, a root and flowers.
It is considered the strongest a root, but we ask not to use leaves and flowers in extreme cases. The difference is not so great, but thus the alive plant is saved.

Bergenia has haemostatic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, knitting properties.
It is used for reduction of secretion gland, as soothing, at increase in frequency of intimate reductions.
It possess local vasoconstrictive action, capillary-restorative. It has depressant action on dysenteric and typhoid bacillus.
He is shared with sulfanilamide and antibiotics for treatment of these diseases.
It use at not infectious colitis, at excessive menstruation, bleeding after abortions, for treatment of erosion cervix of the uterus (outwardly), a fibroma of a uterus, in stomatology, at stomatitises and gingivitis, at a headache and for sprinkling wounds.

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