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AstragalusAstragalusBot.: Astragalus


- Astragalus Danish
- Astragalus sweet-leaf
- Astragalus fleecy-flowering: this kind is most popular.
Tonic. Normalizes a water exchange. Raises immunity. Facilitates displays of weakness and weariness.
All plants show sedative, hypotensive, cardioactive properties, strengthen diuresis, functional activity of a liver and process haemopoiesis.
Them appoint at a stenocardia, a hypertension of 1-2 degrees, chronic and sharp gromerulo-nephritis.
In national medicine Astragalus use as tourniquet, diuretic, diaphoretic a preparation. Use for removal of hypostases, at scrofula, rheumatic pains, a bloody diarrhea and losses of a uterus.

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