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SweetflagSweetflagBot.: Acorus calamus


Flagroot (Sweetflag) shows tonic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetizing, expectoration, cholagogue, antibacterial and disinfectant properties.
He strengthens reflex allocation of gastroenteric juice, increases the maintenance of a hydrochloric acid in gastric juice (small dozes flagroot operate opposite), makes active cholepoiesis function of a liver, raise a tone of a bladder and raise diuresis.
Flagroot apply at:
achylia, disorder digestion and secretion, an inflammation of guts, intestinal colic, wind.
As restorative means at overfatigue, after heavy illnesses, operations.
In advanced age, at menstrual a syndrome, secondary amenorrhea, at insufficient function ovary, easing libido, at pathological course of a climax.
The national medicine recommends sweetflag at a neurasthenia, a hysteria, spasmes, ascites, a bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, a pleurisy, absence of appetite, vomitting, diarrhea, diseases of bilious ways, renal-stone illness.
Juice of a rhizome used for improvement of memory and sight.
External use at alopecia, a unpleasant smell from a mouth, at washing wounds and ulcers, syringings at colpitis, at a rickets and scrofula at children, diseases of female genitals.

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