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PimpinellaPimpinellaBot.: Pimpinella saxifraga


Pimpinella big,
pimpinella saxifrage.
It has homeostatic, sedative, soothing, expectorate properties.
Pimpinella normalizes job of heart, shows antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative properties. Normalizes activity of a gastroenteric path, makes active it glands, possesses cough-depressant action.
In 16 century of it used for preventive maintenance and treatment of a plague, a cholera, a cancer and diseases of a uterus.
Now apply at laryngitises, pharyngitises, tracheitises, a bronchitis and a pneumonia, a bronchial asthma, whooping-cough.
It effectively use at salt diathesises, nephrolithiasis illnesses, diseases of a liver, a gastritis with the reduced secretion.
Use for rinsing a throat.
External - for clarification of pigmentary spots.

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