About Skin Types and Skin Care![]() - Dry skin, - Normal skin, - Oily skin. For the majority of women the skin of the face is a subject of care and pride. Each woman would like, that the skin was beautiful and healthy that saved this beauty till an old age. In the best way these requirements are responded with a normal skin Cosmeticians name such skin "nursery". Skin is even, dim, smooth, free of defects, spots, points and freckles. To care of such skin it is simple. Keep it clean, grease in the afternoon Moisturising Day Cream, and to night - Nourishing Night Cream and you save a beautiful unfading skin for long years.
At many women in a youth the dry skin - thin, equal also is beautiful,
sometimes with the muffled shine.
Women with such skin at once pay to themselves attention - the skin seems luminous from within. Such skin demands the greater care, it is especially necessary to protect a skin from drying. And such skin grows old earlier and withers. For such skin after 25-30 years it is necessary for the night Nourishing Night Cream.
When you spend a hand on a normal or dry skin feel velvety
or a smooth surface. Sometimes there is very dry skin - and you feel under
fingers dry, as though powdered with a dust a surface.
Sometimes such skin even on a kind looks dusty are dried up superficial sand buckle skin, not completely separated from healthy bottom layers. Such skin especially requires care and protection - withering of a skin begins at early age.
More often on the person, it is especial on a forehead and on a nose, there is
a fat leather{skin}
Carry out on a skin fingers and if you will feel fat, damp sensation - means, at you a oily skin. Or if will see damp, fat traces on a tissue paper, When you wipe a skin. At 80 % of people propensity to a oily skin. Sometimes the oily skin has effect of "an orange crust" - a skin dense, with large, open interstice, reminding externally orange peel. It is necessary to wash such skin daily with soap, often recommend soap with salt of the Dead sea, lotions with cucumber juice.
Often there is a oily skin on a nose, a chin and on a forehead, and around of eyes and on
to neck a dry skin. In such cases it is desirable to apply various creams to different areas
of skin.
For care of different types of a skin there is a wide range of preparations of natural cosmetics. The catalogue of products of the Dead sea with photos The list of preparations as use for different types of a skin and for treatment different Skin diseases, removals acne, a rash look HERE. The Articles |