BifiDoc is a Basis of Health for 95 % of People

Bifi-Doc is a new Dietary Supplement - Biococtail, containing 20 billions of lactobacillus in each capsule in weight 0.5 gr and weight of others vital a component.
BifiDoc is necessary for 95-97% of the modern people, compelled to live in the world, sated with chemical and technological pollution and refused normally, without haste and stresses to eat healthy natural food, to drink pure water and to breathe clean air. Systems of a fast feed help to save time, but aggravate a situation with health.
Bifi-Doc restores microflora of intestines, because of which infringement overwhelming The majority of people (it is especial with low incomes) in the course of time get more and more and there are more than illnesses of a gastroenteric path, exchange and other diseases.
Bifi-Doc raises immunity and by that protects from infectious diseases, restores microflora of intestines and by that helps to digest effectively peep, That is to manage smaller amount of food for restoration of expenses of energy, and it means - to reduce or raise weight up to norm.
Bifi-Doc helps at allergies, dermatoses, a neurodermatitis, eczema, at a stomach ulcer and guts, at various diarrhoeas. He is especially necessary for restoration of job of a gastroenteric path during the period during time and after reception of a plenty of usual medicines and antibiotics, killing useful microflora of intestines.
Bifi-Doc helps also at beam therapy and radiating defeats. It deduces slags and toxins from an organism. It can be used for preventive maintenance cancer diseases of thick intestines due to removal of inflammations in it. It reduces an intoxication and improves a status of cancer patients.
BifiDoc it is possible to accept together with the majority of usual medicines and diets and with other Dietary Supplements. He does not demand the recipe of the doctor (special cases are stipulated in the description of a product).

More in detail the composition and application of a preparation can be seen on page Bifi-Doc.

Some histories of the clients using Bifi-Doc

See hereHistories of Clients
Т., age 54 (Kharkov, Ukraine)
Fine not healing sores on legs.
Check has revealed a heavy dysbacteriosis.
After reception BifiDoc within 3 months sores have disappeared.

Galina, age 50, (Rishon-le-Zion, Israel)
Stomach ulcer within 15 years, strong locks. In 2-3 months of reception БифиДок faeces's fuses and locks have disappeared.

Misha, age 4 months only (Rechovot)
Sharp diarrhoea.
1 capsule БифиДок have dissolved in boiled water and gave the kid. Job of a stomach was restored.

Lena, age 30 (Haifa)
The milkwoman and a dysbacteriosis after reception of antibiotics.
Candidiasis, cracks in a mucous membrane of a vagina.
Full impossibility of sexual contact to the husband and threat of disorder of family.
After 1.5 monthly rates BifiDoc these problems have disappeared.

After removal of an appendix and reception of the big dozes of antibiotics strong pains in intestines and diarrheas have appeared.
Inspection has revealed a strong dysbacteriosis.
Receiving of BifiDoc within 4 months has removed disease.

B., age 23 (Netanya)
To 3 years has transferred a dysentery.
Within 20 years after that there were strong diarrheas. He could eat only very much limited assortment of products.
Have revealed a chronic dysbacteriosis.
Began reception BifiDoc.
In 1 month - appreciable improvement.
In 6 months - has practically recovered from a dysbacteriosis.

Alexander, age 50
After 1 month of reception BifiDoc has grown thin for 5 kg without feeling of famine and restrictions in reception of food.
The state of health during growing thin remained vigorous and good. After the termination of reception BifiDoc the weight again has not collected.

From our experience.
Tatyana and her son (24 old) had many strong allergies - on milk, strawberries, chocolate, etc.
Even the scanty doze of these products caused strong a rash, catarrh, diarrheas, etc.
During reception BifiDoc (1-3 months) they avoided these products. After reception (and even at the end of course of treatment BifiDoc) they eat these products in moderate quantities (however time in 10 more, than up to a cource of BifiDoc ! ).
If the small allergy begins, they renew reception Bifi-Doc and stop for a while reception of the delicacies.

Composed by: Tatiana Zolenko